Finally managed to watch 'The Hurt Locker'. And I say finally because I had to watch it in two 'sessions'. Taking a break of two days between the first hour and the second. Can't explain why. Maybe it was just too much.
Too much of what? Sheer film, I suppose. There's something haunting and intense about Bigelow's minimalism  - as opposed to you-know-who's pretentiousness and grandeur and megalomania. With Bigelow it's all about details. The bullet  shell. The wind blowing the dirt. The hungry, dirty, three-legged cats. The Iraqi boys speaking rap slang.
And then there's the mix of shaky camera images, documentary-style, and the 'classic film' shots...  I also liked the way Ms.Bigelow teased us, bringing in Guy Pearce and Ralph Fiennes only to kill them 5 minutes after... ;) XD

There's probably a lot more to be said about this film, but I can't do it. Can't write about films I really like. Can't find my words. That's why I'll never be a film critic ( thank gods !)

Haven't watched the other nominees for 'best movie' , except for 'Avatar' and 'Inglorious Basterds', but I dare say that for once I happen to agree with the Academy. And it scares me ;) XD
Later edit : ... and I seem to disagree with most IMDb posters. okay.that's a relief. it means I'm still within my normal parameters ;)

And for those who said this film won the awards it did because it sort of glorifies war - opposed to what Cameron's extravaganza did ;  WATCH both films, then think again. 
Most of Bigelow's films are about a certain part of the human psyche. About the need for the adrenaline fix.  The way I see it, that's what 'The Hurt Locker' is about, not war per se.