It's raining. Again. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, on my window pane. - as I vaguely remember the rhyme.
Only it's not pitter-pattering. It's a stubborn, monotonous, persistent, annoying cold autumn rain. Yup, it's autumn again. Time for my yearly depression...
Feeling down, a cause de flu and lousy job and doubts about myself and lack of perspective and... the such.

And there's something else nagging at me. The question whether a certain someone did or not read the peach orchard.
Seer says some references in an interview ref. Henry's Crime made her think he did. And that this 'could be his way of letting us know without getting any closer than he likes to get to fans '. Maybe. Could be. Probably. But we'll never know, not for sure... argh, that wall, The Wall, and not talking goalie skills here... the disconnect, the space, the distance, the wall people run into when they want to get close...
And my reaction to any wall - and especially this one- is an obsessive need to find out what's behind it. What does it hide, or shelter? I just need to know. 
yeah, like that's ever gonna happen...

... like I wrote, it's autumn :(